Artist statement:
I feel that art is incredibly important to our society. It’s a way of measuring who we are and where we stand as a culture. This work was cancer inspired and it’s kept me sane through the process of my disease. During a hospital stay I became obsessed with painting again. I’d paint and sleep and paint and sleep and at the end of the day I’d look at my paintings and feel as though I accomplished something in them. The cancer has been a turning point for me. It’s made me look at my life in a different way and realize that if you can be positive, the spirit can become so powerful. I’ve chosen to make my experience with this disease a positive thing. Cancer has freed me as an artist. I have no fear. I feel like I can contribute something to support other cancer patients with these works. Looking at them you don’t see an artist fighting cancer, or someone hiding under the bed because of his disease. I haven’t given up for one millisecond. These paintings come from a positive place, not a morose or sad place. Painting has been a hugely positive thing during my illness. I’m hoping to help others to fight their disease and inspire them to paint it out.
Rob I love ALL of your stuff!!!! I think that you're going to be famous... Love you, Katy